
During the weekend, Chennai happened during the weekend. Had been hearing all these tales of the narrow-mindedness there, horror stories of acute regionalistic feelings. Wasnt expecting much, but I came out pleasantly surprised of what little I saw of Chennai. Not many know Hindi; but can manage with English keywords. Autowallahs definitely try toContinue reading “chennaied”

the E=MC2 of procrastination

I have no New Year resolution this year atleast nothing that tells me to wake up at insanely unearthly hours and sweat it out in the cold. This I learnt from the past experiences. Dr. Piers Steel has worked 10 years on the topic of procrastination and has his own theory on the same. SteelContinue reading “the E=MC2 of procrastination”

world’s greatest dad

Without doubt the world’s greatest dad is Dick Hoyt. To know what I mean you may want to read the story here. To know more about the wonderful father-son relation, This is a beautiful story that needs to be read. A truly humbling moment for me personally, just as a proof as how far peopleContinue reading “world’s greatest dad”

put mallika in jail

the customers are not at fault; the prostitutes are! mr amitabh killed a man in a movie; lets stop him now itself, lest he kill a thousand men! if we were to go by the logic of this man! if that ridiculous article is not enough, have a look at the first comment following it.Continue reading “put mallika in jail”

dancing away to g(l)ory

as a student of pattern recognition and of computer vision, let me disclose first off, that my opinions are limited by my data set; and being a non-party type guy i am, its no way exhaustive, let alone comprehensive. subject to the limited data set, the statementes made here are necessarily sweeping and flawed. butContinue reading “dancing away to g(l)ory”