
They were days when I wouldnt believe anything until I saw it with my own eyes. And there are times when I wouldnt even believe what I saw with my eyes, well I dont believe what sometime my brain conjures what it wants me to believe. Well… thats just a way of saying sometimes peopleContinue reading “eyespice”

Cricket WC Score Dashboard Plugin for Firefox

One of my geek buddies, Naresh, created this extremely nifty extension for FF(1.05 compat), where the score get posted to the user’s Status Bar. In spite of me being a cricket unfanatic I found the tool quite cool. Hope the cricket lovers find it useful! Do post your comments and feedback . And of courseContinue reading “Cricket WC Score Dashboard Plugin for Firefox”

K@W rocks!

Two new articles(both reviews on books) caught my attention in K@W this week. One a book about the myth of Self-Helpish Books and the other on Cash-Curve. Loved the tone of each of them: The Halo Effect Halo effect is an effort at debunking the myth of having the guidelines for a great performance/manager. InsteadContinue reading “K@W rocks!”