a quick story

“I will miss you” beamed darkly from an irritatingly-bright flouroscent-background of a dormant mobile. A faint smile carved itself on the bloody lips. Strength returned to a lonely wounded soul on a desolate highway ploughed down by a reckless faceless powermonger. The strength came; but also brought with it, the power of thought. The soulContinue reading “a quick story”

Naach. mind-blowing

“Naach is a madman’s dream. I am that madman” Watching Naach is unlike watching anything you have ever watched till date on the Indian screen. While Gayab could not do complete justice to a man’s obsession (the object/subject of that obsession is unnecessary) because of the actor’s inability to reflect it. On the other hand,Continue reading “Naach. mind-blowing”